MESSAGES / 学校からのメッセージ

“The University of Queensland and GCS have established a long term, professional relationship with both the six GCS offices in Australia as well as the Tokyo office. GCS holds agreements with The University of Queensland, UQ’s Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education and UQ Foundation Year.
GCS staff are polite, professional and have strong knowledge of the suite of programs available for international students. Student feedback attests to the quality of services and ongoing support GCS students receive.
クイーンズランド大学は、東京とオーストラリアに6つのオフィスを持つGCSグループ(オーストラリア留学センター)と長い間、プロフェッショナルな関係を確立しています。 GCSでは、クイーンズランド大学ならびにUQのInstitute of Continuing & TESOL Education、UQ Foundation Yearの手続きが可能です。
GCSのスタッフは、礼儀正しく、プロフェッショナルで、留学生向けの一連のプログラムにおける知識が豊富です。 GCSの学生が受けるサービスの質やサポートは、学生からのフィードバックにより証明されています。”
Anthony Craig
International Marketing and Recruitment

“GCS has been a valuable partner of The University of Western Australia and our Centre of English Language Teaching for many years.
I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Nobu and his team in Australia and Tokyo for the past 3 years and I am always impressed by their in-depth knowledge of the Australian tertiary education sector, their level of service and care taken with their students.
Hope Baylis
International Relationships Officer

“The University of Adelaide has worked with GCS for several years and together, we’ve built a strong partnership. GCS staff are always warm, professional and genuine – always striving to ensure their students receive the best advice and counselling possible. So that they’re able to make informed decisions about their future studies. With offices in multiple locations in Australia as well as in Tokyo, Japan, GCS are also highly accessible. The breadth of knowledge of GCS staff means they’re able to assist students with different levels of university study – from undergraduate to postgraduate to higher degree by research.
The university looks forward to our continued partnership with GCS, for the benefit of international students interested in furthering their studies at the University of Adelaide.
Eng Tan
Country Manager – Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia | International Recruitment
Marketing and Recruitment

“I have the pleasure to work with GCS for the last 6 years. GCS staff has good knowledge of our university and is able to provide excellent consultation and services to their students.
For Japan in particular, students may require English and academic pathways. Students benefit from the clear and detail guidance provided by GCS staff. GCS has an office in Brisbane city which is convenient for students choosing to study at QUT.
Joel Ong
International Promotions Coordinator

“GCS is a very good partner of Bond University, and it has been for many years. GCS counsellors at the offices in Japan and Australia are very professional and knowledgeable. Students get clear guidance for a study plan that aligns to their individual objectives, resulting in highly satisfied students on campus. Having offices across Australia, GCS is able to provide care and support to their students after arrival.
Lau Najari
International Regional Manager

“The University of the Sunshine Coast has had the pleasure of working closely with GCS Group and establishing a valuable partnership over many years.
GCS staff are proactive, engaging and always pleasant to work with. Their students are provided with clear, caring guidance throughout the whole process of their application and during their studies.
USC look forward to continue working with this professional and hardworking team.
Nadine Lepp
Admissions and Recruitment Officer | University of the Sunshine Coast

“Murdoch University has a long established partnership with GCS Perth branch. Over the years, the partnership has extended to all GCS branches in Australia, and of late, the Tokyo office.
GCS staff are polite, professional and they provide valuable information to their students relating to city destination and education institutions in Australia. Onshore students continue to benefit from the support and assistance provided by GCS offices.
Neville Hiong
Regional Manager (North Asia & Malaysia) | International Engagement

“Flinders University have worked closely with GCS for many years and we have enjoyed strong relationships with both the Australia and Japan offices. The team not only have outstanding knowledge of Flinders University but also Adelaide as a study destination and the opportunities for international students. Having offices in 6 cities around Australia allows GCS to provide a full service approach and support students throughout their entire journey.
We thank GCS for their support and continue to receive the highest quality of feedback from our GCS students.
Lara Stone
Country Recruitment Manager | Flinders International

“Griffith University and GCS have a strong partnership that has been built over a number of years. GCS have a dedicated team in Japan and around Australia that allows them to support Griffith University students studying in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. The staff are very professional and knowledgeable and they confidently assist students with their application process to Griffith University’s undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, and GELI English language programs. With GCS, students can be assured that ongoing service and care will be provided after arriving in Australia. This level of support gives both students and their families peace of mind.
Ziyad Alwan
Regional Marketing Manager Japan & Korea | Griffith University

“GCS is a valued partner of Curtin University and in the time of working together, it is evident that GCS works in the best interest of their students and are very professional in assisting students find the right program to fit their career aspirations. Staff members across all offices are polite, deliver quality service and supports their students through their journey as an international student from Japan to Australia. Curtin University is proud to partner with GCS and look forward to welcome Japanese students to our campuses.
Lynn Tan
Regional Recruitment Manager | Curtin International

“RMIT University has enjoyed a long-standing, professional and successful partnership with GCS in branches here in Melbourne, across Australia and in Tokyo, Japan. GCS provide a quality service to students and diligently attend to their needs from initial conversations to considering study options through to enrolment and beyond. GCS staff are knowledgeable, supportive, responsive and genuinely care about bringing positive outcomes for both our students and for the University. We sincerely appreciate their dedication to supporting students interested in pursuing their education with RMIT and welcome many more years of successful partnership.
Jane Cooper
Regional Coordinator | RMIT University